We are just two regular guys who love sports history!
The Sports Lunatics Podcast is hosted by acclaimed sports author Howie Mooney and sports media professional Shawn Lavigne
We are just two regular guys who love sports history!
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The Consequences of Chance by Howie Mooney
This book contains seventeen different stories that again capture the wildly random nature of sports. Rational players can become irrational given certain circumstances. What so many of the stories in each book have in common is that in each, there is a window of time – a few seconds, a few minutes, a period of hours – in which something happens that may never have been planned for, but careers and possible lives are changed forever. It forces everyone involved to be forced to deal with the consequences of chance.
More Crazy Days & Wild Nights by Howie Mooney
This is the follow-up to Howie Mooney's great Crazy Days & Wild Nights! MORE Crazy Days & Wild Nights continues in the vein of recounting outlandish and detailed stories of wild events that took place over the last fifty years! This book contains eleven different stories that again capture the wildly random nature of sports. Rational players can become irrational given certain circumstances. A professional hockey player arrested during a game, A spectacular and record-smashing night of football that no one saw! How did one of hockey's greatest scorers fall so far in his draft year? A Soviet hockey star with desires to play in North America, was spirited away from his homeland. Two boxers from disparate backgrounds, with the world in their hands, engaged in a bout that ended in the worst possible way! Those stories and a bunch more!
Crazy Days & Wild Nights by Howie Mooney
Crazy Days & Wild Nights is a collection of nineteen different stories that capture the wildly random nature of sports and the games people play. Situations can flip in the blink of an eye and the normal can turn into complete chaos in a heartbeat. Howie Mooney shows us how rational players can become irrational given certain circumstances. He also shows us how all of our favorite sports and games are made up of people, some who are loved and some who are reviled, simply because of what happened in one moment. Mooney takes us on a tumultuous ride through six decades of sports history in this incredible volume.